Random Ramblings and Random things I find all over the Internet....sometimes things come to me, so I need to interrupt you....

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

oh and on a sidenote...

Using this:
will lead to you being interesting to others.
Using this:
will lead to you being irresistible to others.
Using this:

will lead to you being found suffocated under a pile of old newspapers, while your 50 + plus cats snack on your dead body.


  1. I LOVE the new banner on the top of the page, reminds me of...well... me.

    You do know that you are hilarious, don't you?
    I love those pictures but I love your comments more.

  2. Muahhaaaaa thanks Lily!
    Well I guess then we're two peas in a pod, cause the banner reminded me of myself to and I chuckled pretty good when I found it.
    Well it makes me feel better that you think I"m funny. Cause well, I think I'm pretty frickin witty....now I know I'm not crazy....well not completely...

  3. I'm with ya Lily. Great photos, but the commentary is even better. Witty as all hell.

  4. :D Aww Wayne you give me warm and nasty feelings
